09 / 04 / 2024

BMW test drives 'motionless' wind power technology


September 4, 2024

By Recharge News

Automotive giant BMW is trialing what’s billed as a “motionless” wind power system as an alternative to conventional turbines.

The German group has installed a prototype of the system developed by US-based Aeromine Technologies at its site in Oxford, UK, where the Mini is made.

The Aeromine unit “features wing-like vertical airfoils that create a vacuum effect, drawing air behind an internal propeller to generate clean electricity”, according to BMW.

“Unlike traditional wind turbines, Aeromine’s bladeless design minimises noise and vibrations, ensuring no disturbance to buildings or the surrounding environment and with minimal impact on avian wildlife.”

No details are given by BMW of the power of the system installed in Oxford. Aeromine, which according to its website has received grant backing from the Danish Energy Agency among others, says a 10-unit system “on a 15-metre-tall building in an area with six metre/second average yearly wind speeds will generate around 100MWh annually”.

BMW said the system will complement solar installations at its plant. Like other industrial groups, the auto giant is looking to on-site renewable sources to help decarbonise its operations.


Source: https://www.rechargenews.com/wind/bmw-test-drives-motionless-wind-power-technology/2-1-1704042